The First Post

I never thought I’d see Dan in a Middlesbrough shirt and I never thought we’d cycle to New Zealand. Yet Dan now owns one and we’re cycling to New Zealand next week. Next weekI still can't believe either.

Over the last couple of years, this trip has evolved from a simple, short backpacking adventure into an all-out, guns blazing 12- to 18-month cycle to the other side of the world. I’m still not quite sure how that happened, if I’m honest. A trip was always on the cards, but we never dreamed of anything on this scale, yet once it was said out loud, the idea stuck.

Before I go on, let me just caveat that we’re by no means pro cyclists – heck, I didn’t own a bike three years ago – but that’s the beauty of cycle touring, you don’t need to be. We’ll be taking it slow and steady, increasing the miles as we go. The route follows summer, but if we lag behind a bit, a touch of frost won’t hurt. We’re not racing to be anywhere in particular, and that’s where the name, The Slow Race, came from.

Although we’ve been saving for much longer, it’s taken just shy of a year to plan. We’ll soon be sharing all the tips and tricks we’ve picked up putting a trip like this together, as we’re indebted to the cyclists who shared theirs. So stayed tuned (that was so cheesy, I’m sorry).  

With ten days to go, we’re finalising the last bits before we cycle down to Portsmouth and catch the ferry to Santander, Spain. Better find that packing list...